Cloud4Defence it is a professional services Provider composed by a network of companies which promotes the development of the ICT Systems of the Public Administration, towards a “Cloud Centric” architecture.

The Society Network is realized by these Three Founding Companies:


LA Consulting

its role is to define the ICT strategies related to business processes for large companies, Cloud Computing Architectual design and Program Management related to Cloud Computing programs.


Cloud Consulting Company

its role is to work on international research programs, together with universities and leading research institutions of the Information and Communication Technology Sector



its role is to provide technology, by making available expertise and equipments. In particular, it has a long experience with hardware and software architectures of the Ministry of Defense

Moreover, Cloud4Defence has appointed an independent Technical-Scientific Committee, in order to allow a long-term vision of the technologies:

they all have the goal, through their experiences in the field of the Management Consulting and of ICT, of increase the presence of the companies participating into the market, at different levels, from the local to the international one.


Via Leone XIII, 95
00165 Roma

Bando Regione Lazio

“Insieme x Vincere”

Realizzato grazie al “Contributo del POR FESR Regione Lazio 2007/2013 – Asse I – Avviso Pubblico “Insieme per Vincere” – Prot. Domanda n. SVLAZ-IR-2012-1004 del 13.10.2013. Codice CUP n.F85F14000030007””