A winning desing

‘Cloud4Defence’ a winning desing:
the Network of Companies for Cloud Computing in Public Administration presented in Rome

The CEO Aglieri: “Cloud Computing and Company Networks are the solutions that will provide lots of benefit in the next five years to the Public Administration and Defense Industry, thanks to the Data Center’s optimization. The proposal “C4D Network Project – The Public Administration Cloud Computing” has won the tender notice “Insieme x Vincere” of Lazio Region, which is a local administration’s leader in innovative solutions.


ROME – Cloud Computing and Company Networks: 

‘Cloud4Defence’, a successful design created to modernize the Italian Public Administration, through the innovation of technology and of companies’ structure. Is a part of a major revolution that will utilize Cloud platforms e Big Data solutions as technological components, essential to the digital services’ development for ‘Smart City’: the “intelligent cities” of the near future.


SAVINGS - If the Public Administration uses the cloud computing, it will lead to a cost saving of 5.6 billion euros in the next 5 years, thanks only to the rationalization of the Italian Datacenter, as confirmed by a study of the Politecnico of Milan in 2012. Yet, it is just one of the many benefits of using Cloud Computing, in governance models of IT in the public sector.


CEO LEANDRO AGLIERI – “Public offices might be replaced by multimedia communication”. This is what Leandro Aglieri, CEO of ‘Cloud4Defence’, said. Cloud4defence is a company network created to promote the innovative technology of the Cloud Computing in the Public Administration, especially in the National Defense sector. “Currently, in the Italian Central Public Administration, there are over 1.000 Data Center, making a total of 27.000 servers all over the national territory, in which operates 7.300 human resources. CEO Aglieri said that there are also local Public Administration Data Centers (Regions, local authorities, Healthcare) which have 13.000 operators. So, all together, Data Centers release an amount of CO2 equal to 325.000 cars in a year!  238 million of kg of CO2 for the Central Public Administration and 278 million of kg for the local ones. / The Cloud would bring environmental benefits, improving living standards.  ‘Cloud4Defence’ will accelerate the adopting process of the Cloud Computing in the Public Administration, and will bring economic savings and improvements of the services provided to citizens”.


THE ANNOUNCEMENT- The Project ‘C4D Network Project –Cloud Computing for Public Administration’ has obtain the regional funding for its innovation and research, in “Insieme x Vincere” a regional competition published on May 2nd ,2014 in the “Official Journal of Lazio Region”.   LAZIO REGION – “Thanks to this decision, Lazio Region is among the leader regions who have adopted innovative solutions, that will improve the modernization of the Public Administration.” Aglieri: “Over the next few months, the launch of the project will involve main departments and some organizations of the Public Administration, besides Lazio Region.”


CHANGES IN THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION- Aglieri: “I strongly believe in this project. The Cloud computing can create a network between companies, because its application requires multidisciplinary skills: technological, legal and of security, in order to go with the change of the working processes”. “Inside the Company Network, established with the support of Bic Lazio and operational since the 3rd of October, 2012, each company will have its own role, avoiding duplication and conflicts. This will bring benefits to the main client: the Public Administration. Cloud4Defence Network, is “guided” by consulting companies and technologies that are independent from hardware and software providers. So, it claims to be an ideal partner for the Italian Public Administration, with a special focus on the emerging countries of the rest of the world. “


LEANDRO AGLIERI – Leandro Aglieri, has a degree in political science and economics (former Sda Bocconi). He has a long  career as the Chief Officer of Arthur Andersen, a holding company that provides auditing and consulting services. In 2003, he has established LA Consulting innovation management, and he is still its CEO. He is also the CEO of ‘Cloud4Defence’, the company network created to promote the Cloud computing in the Public Administration, and he has written many articles about it. He is the vice-president of the Board of AFCEA Rome Chapter. He spoke in many conferences, workshops and in universities.


ARTICLES AND PRESENTATIONS – Articles about ‘Cloud4Defence’ in La Repubblica (25 settembre 2013); Cloud People of Telecom Italia (24 ottobre 2012); Eventi, supplement of Il Sole 24 ore, dedicated to Lazio Region (24 settembre 2012); TM News and others.

Presentation during the first edition of ‘Smart Mobility World’. The ‘business to business’ fair on “Smart city” which took place in Torino on the 26th an the 27th of September, 2013. The project has been presented to AGID, to the Ministry for Public Administration and Simplification and to the Ministry of defense.


Via Leone XIII, 95
00165 Roma

Bando Regione Lazio

“Insieme x Vincere”

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